Investment projects

IPP LLC’s investment policy is focused on the long-term development of the company with the use of innovative technologies.

The investment projects implemented by the company include not only the creation of new activities and new capacities, but also the modernization of existing facilities, and the expansion of the terminal existing transport and logistics infrastructure.


2002 — the first stage of the oil project was launched and successfully implemented, which allowed transshipment of diesel fuel for export in volumes up to 2,000 thousand tons per year.

2004 — the investment project was implemented:”Transshipment of oil products and CAM”.  The purpose of this project was to increase the volume of transshipment of oil products to 4,200 thousand tons per year and carbamide-ammoniac mixture (CAM) to 600 thousand tons per year through the construction of the terminal new and reconstruction of existing production facilities.

2005 — the investment project was implemented: “CAM complex”.  The project essence was to increase the Terminal efficiency by expanding production volumes by increasing the CAM-32 storage and transshipment volume by 250 thousand tons per year.

The construction of a vertical cylindrical tank with a protective wall, with a capacity of 14 thousand tons, allowed increasing the total volume of CAM accumulation to 34 thousand tons at any one time.

The transfer of the technological pipeline platform made it possible to free up additional space for further development of the plant and to lay additional pipelines for CAM unloading, storage and transportation to the port.

The high demand for liquid fertilizer transshipment services and successful implementation of investment projects later allowed the construction of additional facilities for handling an expanded range of cargo. As the implementation result of the investment project “Liquid complex fertilizers”, new capacities were created for the shipment of liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) with a volume of up to 100 thousand tons per year.

2007 – a bunkering fuel transshipment facility was commissioned in the port of Novorossiysk.  The purpose of this project was to increase the transshipment volumes and allow safe reception and shipment of bunkering fuel to ships. The project capacity is 600 thousand tons of fuel-oil residue and 48 thousand tons of diesel fuel per year.

Two tanks for fuel-oil residue reception and storage, each with a volume of 5 thousand cubic meters, one for diesel fuel with a volume of 1,000 thousand cubic meters, a loading/discharge platform were built, and the reconstruction of port terminals No.26A, 26, and 27 was performed. The complex was equipped with facilities for heating and discharging black oil products, an automatic system that provides constant control over the process equipment, as well as automatic fire extinguishing equipment.

The possibility of refueling ships directly at the port terminal using the terminal pipeline and NCSP PJSC’s loading arms provided high-quality fuel supply, increased the speed of refueling, as well as a safer technology for direct fuel shipment: “tank farm-ship”.

2006 — the investment project was implemented: “Reconstruction of IPP” (the current territory). This project provided for the creation of optimal conditions for transshipment of oil products and CAM on the terminal existing territory. The project main objectives were: increase in the tank farm volume, reconstruction of other technological facilities of the terminal that are necessary for transshipment of oil products and CAM. 

As part of the project implementation, three tanks with a total capacity of 36 thousand cubic meters were built. The Terminal tank farm volume for transshipment of oil products has increased to 100 thousand cubic meters.

The Terminal total capacity after commissioning of new capacities was 5.85 million tons per year, most of which accounted for the transshipment of oil products and about 1 million tons – for liquid fertilizers (CAM-32). The new terminal important feature is its technological versatility — the ability to handle both diesel and gasoline.

2010 on the Terminal territory, the reconstruction project of the two-way railway platform for the CAM discharge was completed. The implementation of this project allowed the company to increase significantly the technological process efficiency by reducing the time of car discharge and processing; to improve economic indicators by reducing production costs, as well as to increase the company’s environmental safety when receiving mineral fertilizers.

2004 — the investment project was implemented: “Reconstruction of IPP (stage 2)”. The project purpose was to create optimal conditions for transshipment of oil products and CAM in the Terminal existing territory in the total volume of up to 7 million tons per year. The reconstruction project included the construction of new and replacement of physically worn-out tanks built in the 80’s and 90’s, which allowed the Terminal to maintain the existing volumes of diesel fuel transshipment in the amount of up to 6 million tons per year of uniform cargo, as well as to minimize economic and environmental risks.

2015 — the project for technical re-equipment of the fuel-oil residue discharge platform of the Terminal bunkering complex has been implemented. This project provides for reducing the bunkering fuel-oil residue heating and discharge time by re-equipping the heating and discharge facilities of the Terminal bunkering complex railway platform.

Also in 2015, an investment project was successfully implemented to expand the tank farm of the terminal bunkering complex. The project purpose is to increase the bunkering fuel transshipment volumes by expanding the terminal’s tank farm by building one tank with a capacity of 5 thousand cubic meters and providing services for bunkering ships with M-100 grade fuel-oil residue, based on the requirements of bunkering companies for the cargo quality (viscosity).

2016 — works on technical re-equipment of the technological pipeline for CAM were performed. In connection with the operation in an aggressive environment and the release of residual resource, a complete replacement of the CAM pipeline was made in order to preserve the mineral fertilizer (CAM-32) transshipment volumes and comply with the requirements of industrial and environmental safety.

2017 – the project “Technological complex for pumping oil products from “river-sea” ships” at berths No.4 and No.5 of NCSP PJSC” was implemented. This project provided for the implementation of operations for pumping oil products in the opposite direction (from tankers to tanks) with ship pumps and feeding them through existing pipelines to tank farms located on the territory of NMT LLC and IPP Terminal, the accumulation of ship batches and transshipment of oil products in the direct version (from tanks to large-capacity tankers).

2017 – the project “Reconstruction and modernization of berth No.4 for liquid cargo transshipment” was implemented. This project allows for ship bunkering during loading at berth No. 4 (port terminals No. 25 and 25A) with diesel fuel and fuel- oil residue, as well as for transshipment of small amounts of fuel-oil residue for export by additional loading of ships that are standing at the port terminal. Within the project framework, berth No. 5 (port terminal No. 26A) of NCSP PJSC was reconstructed in order to organize the loading of bunker fuel (fuel-oil residue and diesel fuel) on bunkering ships.

2018 – works were underway to reconstruct the Terminal. The Terminal will partially repurpose the company’s facilities for handling vegetable oils. The project ultimate purpose is to create a terminal for transshipment of sunflower and exotic (palm) oils in the port of Novorossiysk through a phased reconstruction of the Terminal’s production facilities and diversification of production by expanding the range of transshipment cargoes – vegetable oils. Within this project framework, from the end of 2018, the Terminal began transshipment of vegetable oil for export.